You're out driving in the south Nashville country on a lovely Labor Day morning, just enjoying a day off and communing with nature. Rolling countryside with small farms ... quiet roads. Suddenly, you come across a gang of unruly bikers -- the dregs of the earth, taking up the road on their huge noisy machines, their biker babe "chicks" hanging on to the back for dear life. Probably listening to Steppenwolf.
You've entered ... the tandem zone.
Anyhow ... have you ever seen so many tandem bicycles in one place?
Yep, that's 15 bikes and 30 riders. Thirty-one if you consider how pregnant Angela Evans is.
This past Labor Day, the Harpeth Bicycle Club's tandem group got together at Tom and Judy Spear's house for a 30-mile ride down to Arrington and back, followed by a cook-out and potluck lunch. It was a nice laid-back ride with good folks, followed by some excellent food. All told, it was the perfect way to recover from Ten Gaps (for me) and the Sunrise Century in Clarksville, TN (for most of the other riders, including RandoGirl).
As Jeff Sammons will tell you, though, recovery is all about nutrition.
After all, Jeff is an ultracyclist.
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